miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020

Hello, children

Good morning, children.
It's Thursday, 12th March.
Today it's cloudy and warm.

Natural Science
- Seguid repasando la unidad 4: Plants. Haremos el examen de la unidad cuando volvamos al cole. Para practicar podéis seguir jugando con el quiz, repasar el vocabulario, observar las plantas y hacer vuestra propia plantación de semillas. By the way, our plants go on growing. Look!
2nd day

Social Science,
We start Unit 4: Landscapes
- Watch the video
- Correction (Activity B. pag. 62)
- Diary Project
If you haven't done it yet (Si todavía no lo habéis hecho), you have to write 5 sentences about a photo of yourself when you were younger (tenéis que escribir 5 frases sobre una foto vuestra de cuando erais pequeños). Here you have some examples of sentences:
- This is me with my sister   /  This is me with my grandparents.
- I was two years old.
- I was at the beach / at home  /  in the countryside...
- It was sunny and warm  /  snowing   /  cloudy and cool...
- I was happy  /  hungry  /  surprised...

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