viernes, 31 de enero de 2020

jueves, 30 de enero de 2020

Dolphin birth

Quiz: Guess the animal

Click on this link:   
and enter this code 638307

Game: Guess the animal

Does it…

Yes, it does.

No, it doesn’t.

live   on land / in water?
eat   meat  /  grass?
like   fruit  /  leaves ?
sleep in a tree?
live in a group?
drink water?
climb trees?
run very fast?

         - Is it a    lion  ?   
         - Yes, it is!     /      No, it isn't.


Please, sign the marks (Por favor, firmad las notas)

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020

Dictation U.4-2

Dictation U.4.2

The giraffe lives on land.

It doesn’t live in water.

It doesn’t hunt animals.

It eats leaves and fruits.

It lives in a group.

Homework: Wednesday 29th January

2ºA: Activity B. pag. 47

2º A y B: Copy the dictation again (copiar el dictado otra vez).

martes, 28 de enero de 2020

Homework: Tuesday 28th January

Study Natural Science U.3 Animals (examen de mañana).
Terminar deberes pendientes (los que los tengan):
- Vertebrates worksheet
- minibook U.4

English test U.4: cambio de fechaMonday 3rd February.

lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

Homework: Monday 27th January

English test U.4: Thursday 30th January
Homework: Class Book, pg. 131 (vocabulary U.4)
REMEMBER: Tomorrow bring a fruit for your snack (traer fruta para el desayuno)

viernes, 24 de enero de 2020